
Important Info

Emergency 000 Triple Zero

All CFA info:

Victorian Bushfire Information Line: 1800 240 667

Current Incidents:

Todays Fire Danger Rating for the Central District

Burn Off Notification: 1800 668 511

Brigade People
Cape Clear Captain: Jeremy Peet 0409 862 178
1st Lt: Brenton Dean 0467 555 352
2nd Lt: Jess Herzberg
3rd Lt: Phil Lamovie
4th Lt: Toby Biling
5th Lt: Rohan Mitchell
Asset Maintenance: Mark Thomassen
Training Officer - Phil Lamovie 0414 338 413
Training 10am to 12 noon, 1st Saturday and
Third Sunday of the month at Cape Clear
Secretary/Treasurer: Jess Herzberg
Communications Officer: Looking for one
Community Safety Coordinator: Terry Kelly
Cape Clear Fire Station: 5342 2445
Berringa Fire Station: 5342 2436
Rural Address Sign Project Terry Kelly 0409422449

Email the Brigade