Can I, Can't I Brochure
This brochure shows clearly what you can and can't do during the declared Fire Danger Period, and on days of Total Fire Ban, when fires in the open air are legally restricted. It is available from the Cape Clear Shop, Berringa Community Hall and Brigade officers - just ask if you would like a copy
Download the Brochure:
One item that crops up locally is campfires. This is edited info from the brochure.
Can I have a barbecue, light a campfire or light a fire for warmth or comfort during the Fire Danger Period?
Yes, but only if:
The wind is not more than 10 kph
The fire is lit in a properly constructed fireplace or in a trench at least 30 centimetres deep
The area within a distance of 3 metres from the outer perimeter of the barbecue is clear of flammable material
The fire does not occupy an area in excess of 1 square metre and the size and dimensions of solid fuel used are the minimum necessary for the purpose
A person is in attendance at all times while the fire is alight and has the capacity and means to extinguish the fire
The fire is completely extinguished before the person leaves.
Note that in accordance with the CFA Act, a "properly constructed fireplace means a fireplace that is constructed of stone, metal, concrete or any other non-flammable material so as to contain the perimeter of the fire.
A commercially produced barbecue would be considered a properly constructed fireplace.